
Click to see the solutions PlanCayman will implement to carry out our goals


Ensure that adequate and equitable fees are being collected from developers in order to fund the capital improvement programs (schools, parks, roads), and to maintain those facilities.

The infrastructure fee mechanism should fully recover all costs related to “hard” and “soft” infrastructure required by new development projects. “Hard” infrastructure consists of items such as road infrastructure, sanitary sewer infrastructure, potable water infrastructure and stormwater facilities. “Soft” infrastructure includes items such as schools, emergency services, health care facilities and parks.

Action Points:
  • Update the Islands Infrastructure Fees and associated laws and policies.
  • Evaluate true costs of all development types and ensure new development pays for the public cost of development, or funding earmarked in the CIP.
  • Allow for credits for developers who contribute to the Island’s infrastructure, such as school sites, parks, or road rights-of-way.
  • Reduce infrastructure fees for developers in infill areas to encourage reinvestment.

To ensure that the burden of new development is not placed squarely on the Government and established residents and businesses.

Action Points:
  • Quantify the infrastructure needs of new developments; through impact assessments so that decision can be made as to whether the Country or the developer will bear the burden of the costs or if there should be cost sharing.

Ensure that infrastructure fees are dedicated to specific accounts, and used for the purpose outlined in the CIP.

Action Points:
  • Earmark infrastructure fees to be used for the construction, maintenance, and administration of necessary infrastructure.
  • To the extent possible, infrastructure fees could also be used to construct the necessary infrastructure in the immediate areas surrounding the development.  Fees can be used on a regional level to partially fund regional facilities such as large parks, police sub-stations, schools, fire-stations, etc.

Develop an Island-wide Capital Improvement Programme (CIP), to include, schools, parks, roads, etc.

Document the Island’s capital and infrastructure projects for the next five years in one all-inclusive document to ensure proper planning for schedules and resources as well as coordination between multiple projects/agencies.

Action Points:
  • Draft an Island-wide Capital Improvement Programme (CIP) that details all public capital and infrastructure projects.
  • Itemise all publicly funded infrastructure projects that are to be undertaken within the next five years.
  • The CIP should document to include all projects identified in the Transportation Improvement Programme.
  • Update the CIP on an annual basis immediately following approval of the fiscal year budget.
  • Identify priority levels for implementation of specific projects identified in the CIP
  • As a final step of the CIP, earmark action items in priority levels of implementation.

Reduce the existing and future amounts of solid waste.

Reduce the spatial requirements of solid waste management operations by supporting the waste hierarchy of reduction, re-use and recycling of material.

Action Points:
  • Support education on the waste hierarchy and the importance of reducing waste
  • Identify planning requirements to facilitate the collection, processing and/or end use of recyclables by the private sector.
  • Establish a long-range comprehensive Island-wide recycling programme.
  • Explore the feasibility of establishing a network of community recycling depots at convenient locations
  • Consider introducing a requirement for applicants of larger developments to submit Waste Management Plans which demonstrate how waste associated with the proposal is to be minimised, how existing materials are to be reused on or off the site and how residual waste will be dealt with.

Encourage long-range sustainable alternatives and support plans for future solid waste disposal facilities.

Determine long-range solid waste disposal requirements and plan accordingly.

Action Points:
  • Support the strategic direction set out within the National Solid Waste Management Strategy for the Cayman Islands.

Ensure compatible land uses are adjacent to and in the vicinity of the George Town landfill and any planned future solid waste management facilities.

Action Points:
  • Review the current allowed land uses surrounding the existing and any planned solid waste management sites.
  • Ensure that allowed land uses near current and planned solid waste management sites are compatible, taking into consideration the negative environmental, safety, and quality of life impacts generated by these facilities.

Ensure that land is made available in each district as a drop off point for bulk waste materials to help reduce illegal dumping.

Action Points:
  • Identify sites in each district for waste transfer facilities.
  • Initiate an education programme to familiarise residents of the waste transfer facilities and what can and cannot be deposited at these sites.
  • Develop standards to protect these sites from potential environmental damage.

Implement the latest technologies to minimize the environmental impact of wastewater treatment practices.

Encourage the reuse of treated effluent water for irrigation.

Action Points:
  • Install the necessary infrastructure to distribute the wastewater treatment plant’s effluent to users, especially during the construction of new major developments.
  • Revise the Planning Regulations to require major projects with large amounts of landscaping to use treated wastewater for irrigation.
  • Require all new golf courses to use treated wastewater for irrigation.
  • Require all existing golf courses to transition to using treated wastewater within 5 years of adequate supply coming online.

Address alternatives to individual septic tanks in order to minimise negative environmental impacts.

Action Points:
  • Revise regulations requiring future major developments to be serviced by a sanitary sewer and treatment facility or technologies that are determined to be a more environmentally friendly wastewater treatment option to individual septic tanks.

Ensure that wastewater generated near sensitive water bodies such as coastal areas, wetlands, ponds, water lenses and canals are treated to a higher standard.

Action Points:
  • Develop and implement alternative requirements for wastewater treatment near sensitive water bodies including coastal areas, wetlands and ponds, water lenses and canals.

Ensure that adequate sanitary sewer facilities are available to all parts of the Island.

Plan for the long term sanitary sewer needs through national and district level analysis.

Action Points:
  • Determine capacity for, and plan for the long-term expansion needs of the catchment area for the central wastewater treatment facility.
  • Identify the capacity within the existing wastewater facility property, assuming full build-out of necessary infrastructure on that site in the future.
  • Determine if the existing site can serve the entire Island based on connectivity and capacity. If not, identify potential sites for additional treatment facilities on the Island.

Identify areas that could be incorporated into the sewer network within the next twenty years, known as the Sanitary Sewer Sphere of Influence (SSSI).

Action Points:
  • Develop road and development standards to accommodate expansion of the sanitary sewer network.
  • During the construction of new roads or the reconstruction of existing roads within the SSSI, consult with Water Authority to determine requirements for future connection to a sanitary sewer system.
  • For all new developments within the SSSI, require siting of septic tanks to be between the dwelling unit and the adjacent road (or other designated future sanitary sewer location).

Ensure adequate stormwater infrastructure and design standards to mitigate existing flood-prone areas and prevent new problem areas.

Address the Island’s need for a long-range stormwater management plan

Action Points:
  • Create a series of regional Stormwater Management Master Plans, embracing a regional approach to the planning of stormwater related issues. Include short, medium, and long-range implementation strategies.
  • Develop detailed Stormwater Management Plans for individual drainage regions/basins.

Review and revise submittal requirements for new developments to ensure adequate planning and design for those plans.

Action Points:
  • Review and revise the requirements set out within the Cayman Stormwater Management Guidelines
  • Require drainage plans during the construction phase of projects.
  • Review and revise, where necessary, development regulations to reduce runoff.
  • Review impervious area and landscaping requirements, including the retention and incorporation of native plants.
  • Create policies for the incorporation of porous landscaping or other design solutions in order to reduce runoff.

Identify flood-prone land and address the situations accordingly.

Action Points:
  • Re-examine the inventory of flood-prone areas identified in the 2003 Report of the Stormwater Management Committee and update accordingly.
  • Establish an implementation plan to improve the identified flood-prone areas.
  • Develop a priority list for drainage improvement projects. Update every two years.
  • Identify appropriate locations and implement pilot programmes on some of these priority sites to test mitigation alternatives (other than typical “deep well” drainage pipes).
  • Implement drainage improvements for the top priority sites.
  • Update a new list of “top priority” sites at a minimum of every two years.
  • Incorporate these projects into the Capital Improvement Programme.

Ensure an adequate supply and distribution of safe drinking water for all developments on the Island.

Plan for the long-range maintenance and expansion of the potable water system.

Action Points:
  • Establish threshold levels for the development of new facilities.
  • Establish a programme to monitor the growth in development levels towards established threshold levels.
  • Identify potential sites for new facilities as needed based on the established threshold levels.

Address water conservation practises to help minimise impact on the environment, costs, and strain on the existing water system

Reduce overall per-capita consumption of fresh water resources.

Action Points:
  • Implement policies to conserve the Island’s fresh water resources.
  • Adopt requirements for water reduction technologies in new developments.
  • Eliminate policies that may discourage water conservation measures such as individual water harvesting for household irrigation.
  • Utilise alternative water sources such as using treated gray-water for irrigation.

Reduce the Island’s dependency on fossil fuel generated electricity.

Support the vision and goals of the National Energy Policy and encourage an expansion of alternative energy source investment by the Island’s power providers, property owners and businesses.

Action Points:
  • Support the long-term strategy to utilise alternative energy sources, including an interconnectivity policy for these alternatives to be introduced into the power network.
  • Identify the requirements and potential locations for sites to accommodate alternative energy sources
  • Consider incentives, revised regulations or simplified planning processes to encourage renewable energy development, such as solar panels, wind turbines etc.
  • Ensure that the Island’s natural environment is safeguarded whilst renewable energy resources are developed.

Ensure adequate lighting for public safety.

Ensure safe lighting in private and public areas.

Action Points:
  • Draft and adopt lighting standards for all new developments to ensure safe lighting.
  • Maintain and, where necessary, install new lighting on all major streets and pedestrian corridors.
  • Install pedestrian level lighting on all major pedestrian corridors.
  • Inventory all arterial and collector roads for street lighting and install new fixtures where lighting is not adequate.

Minimise environmental impacts of safety and security lighting.

Action Points:
  • Draft and adopt lighting standards calling for focused lighting fixtures that do not increase the “spill-over” into neighbouring properties and into the night sky.
  • Adopt a policy whereby all new public light fixtures are “green” or energy efficient and install energy efficient bulbs in all public lighting.

Ensure adequate facilities for future electric grid expansion.

Accommodate the Island’s future electrical network needs.

Action Points:
  • Develop a long-range plan, in coordination with the Island’s power providers, to prepare for necessary expansion of the power infrastructure.
  • Identify sites for necessary substations, easements, corridors, etc.
  • Update subdivision review standards to ensure new developments have adequate electric infrastructure that is compatible with the long-range plan. 

Support the provision of the latest communication technology for the Island’s residents and businesses.

Ensure the communication needs for the Island’s businesses are addressed.

Action Points:
  • Coordinate public improvement projects such as new road construction with communication providers to allow for installation of necessary infrastructure with minimal disruption.

Minimise the visual impact of communication infrastructure.

Reduce the visual clutter created by antennae, poles and wires, and satellite dishes.

Action Points:
  • Investigate the feasibility of requiring the underground placement of new communication lines.
  • Review and revise tower and satellite requirements and standards.
  • Require co-location of wireless transmitters where facilities are available and feasible.
  • Adopt design guidelines addressing screening and location of commercial and personal antennae and satellite dishes.
  • Consult with communication industry representatives and overseas jurisdictions and providers to develop feasible and acceptable regulations.

Ensure there are adequate bulk fuel storage facilities to meet the Island’s long-range demands.

Properly plan for long-range spatial needs for bulk fuel providers.

Action Points:
  • In conjunction with the Island’s fuel providers, determine the long-range estimates of fuel storage demand for the Island.
  • Determine if additional facilities would be required, and if so, develop a list of possible locations.
  • Establish review criteria and determine the most suitable site(s).
  • Revise Development Plan map to plan appropriate zones for the selected site(s) and the surrounding land uses, ensuring long-term compatible land uses.

Ensure fuel storage areas and surrounding land uses are compatible.

Review and revise regulations to ensure future fuel storage facilities are located in compatible areas and that non-compatible uses do not encroach towards these facilities.

Action Points:
  • Revise planning laws and regulations regulating the location of new bulk fuel storage and distribution facilities.
  • Prohibit new fuel storage facilities near incompatible uses and land use zones such as schools, hospitals, and residential areas.
  • Prohibit new incompatible uses from being constructed near existing and planned bulk fuel storage facilities.
  • Review and revise, if necessary, the containment and buffer zones for these facilities.
  • Revise planning laws and regulations regulating the location of generators and personal/commercial fuel storage.
  • Prohibit commercial fuel storage in residential zones.
  • Review siting requirements for commercial fuel storage and revise, if necessary.
  • Model blast radius/fields and use GIS spatial tools to locate suitable sites.